2010年11月29日 星期一

Hi-5: Five Senses - Hi-5 五官感覺歌

六上 Lesson 2 學習方位時,我們看了澳洲的 Hi-5 兒童節目五位主持人唱的 North South East West,小朋友都很喜歡,對不對?

他們也有一首 Five Senses Song 呢,一起來聽聽吧!

Five Senses
-- Hi-5

Five, four, three, two, one
Come with us and have some fun.

I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).

One - to see, two - to hear,
Three - to taste, four - to feel,
Five - to smell ... we're doing well!
五:聞....  做得很棒!
Five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
Five, four, three, two, one.
Come with us and have some fun.

With my eyes I can see.
With my ears I can hear.
With my hands I can touch.
I can feel when you are near.
I can taste sweet and sour.
I can smell with my nose.
Let's do it one more time,
Here's how it, here's how it,
Here's how it goes ...

I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
One - to see, two - to hear,
Three - to taste, four - to feel,
Five - to smell ... we're doing well!
Five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.

Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
One, two
One, two, three, four, five

I can see the moon at night.
I can hear the band play.
I can touch and feel,
Hot and cold, either way.
I can taste, I can smell,
What I like and what I don't.

Let's do it one more time ...
Here's how it, here's how it,
Here's how it goes ...
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
I have five senses, say them with me.
Five senses, here we go.
Say five (five), hi five (hi five).
Five, four, three, two, one.
Come with us and have some fun

