這是一本可愛又有趣的字母繪本,1989年出版。作者是Bill Martin, Jr. 和 John Archambault,繪者是Lois Ehlert。
書中,小 baby 字母們互相挑戰看誰可以先爬上椰子樹 coconut tree。但全部擠上樹去的結果是它們最後全都從樹上摔下來。
大寫字母爸爸媽媽叔叔阿姨們趕忙跑來安慰小 baby 們。
但頑皮的小蘿蔔頭可沒就此罷休,到了晚上月亮出來時,小 baby a 竟然又悄悄溜下床去爬 coconut tree,
還挑戰其他字母 baby 們來抓它呢!
接著,播放下面這支在 Youtube 上找到的動畫影片,
放第二遍時,有些小朋友就開始 Chicka chicka boom boom 的跟著哼了。
a told b, and b told c, "I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree."
a 跟 b說,b 又跟 c 說:「等一下跟你在椰子樹頂碰頭。」
"Whee!" said d to e f g, "I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree."
「Whee!」d 跟 e f g 說:「我一定比你們先爬上椰子樹。」
Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room?
Here comes h up the coconut tree,
h 也爬上了椰子樹
and i and j and tag-along k, all on their way up the coconut tree.
i 和 j 還有跟屁蟲 k,全都爬上了椰子樹
Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room?
Look who's coming! l m n o p!
看還有誰來了! l m n o p!
And q r s ! And t u v ! Still more - w! And x y z !
還有 q r s!和 t u v!還有還有 - w! 和 x y z!
The whole alphabet up the - Oh, no! Chicka chicka... BOOM! BOOM!
Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Everybody running to the coconut tree.
Mamas and papas and uncles and aunts hug their little dears, then dust their pants.
"Help us up," cried a b c.
「扶我們起來」,a b c 哭喊著。
Next from the pileup skinned-knee d and stubbed-toe e and patched-up f.
下一個從字母堆爬出來的是擦破膝蓋的 d 和踢傷腳趾的 e,還有貼了膠布的 f
Then comes g all out of breath. h is tangled up with i.
然後是喘不過氣的 g,h 跟 i 還纏在一起呢
j and k are about to cry. l is knotted like a tie.
j 和 k 快哭出來了。l 被打了個結。
m is looped. n is stooped. o is twisted alley-oop.
m 被壓圓了,n 被壓彎了腰。
Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee.
Look who's coming! It's black-eyed p, q r s, and loose-tooth t.
看看是誰?是黑了眼的 p,還有q r s 和快掉牙的 t
Then u v w wiggle-jiggle free.
u v w 也跟著抖鬆開了
Last to come x y z. And the sun goes down on the coconut tree...
最後是 x y z。接著太陽也落到椰子樹後了
But - chicka chicka boom boom! Look, there's a full moon.
a is out of bed, and this is what he said, "Dare double dare, you can't catch me.
a 爬下了床,聽它說什麼:「看你敢不敢來挑戰,你一定抓不到我。
I'll beat you up the top of the coconut tree."
Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM!
This is a great book. And your blog is very helpful.
回覆刪除Thanks for your post!
刪除It's really a great book. I had a lot of fun sharing it with my 2nd grade students.