
2010年7月12日 星期一

How's your summer vacation so far?

Hi! 大家好,一個多禮拜沒上網來更新文章了。
How's your summer vacation so far? 暑假到目前為止過得還好嗎?


渡假那幾天,其實心裡一直惦記著,還有幾支小朋友在學期末跳的 Waka Waka Dance 沒弄好。本想從吳哥窟回來後要趕快處理好放上 Youtube,可是回家後卻感染腸胃炎,拉了三天肚子,還發燒,整天癱在床上什麼事也沒法做,昨天去慈濟打了三袋點滴,到今天才比較好一些。所以期待看到自己精采舞姿的小朋友們,Ms. Liu 要跟你們說聲對不起,等這一兩天把影片處理好就會放上網。


Please take good care of yourself.
Have a safe and healthy summer vacation!

2 則留言:

  1. Mrs Liu,

    From your blog, it seems your family had a unique vacation visiting Ankor Wat. Visiting places outside of our normal range of experiences always helps us widen our knowledge of the world. I hope that your family enjoyed the vacation. We're glad that your back.

    We will post back after our family trip.

    I hope everyone reading this blog has a great summer.

    Best regards,

    Robert, George and Family

  2. Dear Robert,

    Thank you for the post.
    We did have a memorable time in Angkor Wat. It's a very unique and fascinating place. I will write more about it when I have the time and energy.
    Where is your family going this summer? Please tell us about the trip when you come back.
    And say Hi to George for me, please. I will upload the Waka waka dance performed by him and his classmates later today or tomorrow. We had a great time filming the clip.
